Thursday, October 4, 2012

It's Rainin--Nope, it's Sunny out.

I thought I was used to crazy weather. In Texas, the temperature can be completely different from one day to the next. It could easily be 85 F, sunny and clear skies on Monday and 50 F, cloudy and rainy the next day. The reason why it never snows is because the temperature changes so fast that the world doesn't have time to get cold enough for the snow to actually stick and stay.

Ireland is like Texas on steroids. I feel like the weather here is in a hurry to get somewhere, but I'm not sure where that is. Today, when I woke up it was partly cloudy and altogether rather pleasant out. I didn't bring an umbrella. By noon I noticed that some clouds had started to take over, but still altogether OK. When I get back to my apartment, I'm just getting comfortable when all of the sudden whoosh! I look outside my window and it is pouring out. Like the clouds just decided to vomit all their rain on us in one big spew. I stare at the torrential downpour and it lasts for maybe 5 or 10 minutes. Then it stops. It's cloudy again. A few hours later there are patches of sunlight out.

And this is a typical day in Ireland, ha. I've actually gotten in the habit of keeping a small umbrella in my purse because there's just no guarantee it won't spontaneously rain. The ground always seems to be at least a little muddy. But while Ireland does have crazy weather, I will say that, unlike Texas, the temperature stays relatively the same. It's been in the 50s pretty much every day since I got here, occasionally climbing up into the 60s or dropping to the 40s at night. It feels kinda strange, how the weather can be so ADHD but the temperature is persistent, constant, and assured. I like the temperature. It's cold enough that you just have to wear a light jacket but it's not too big of a deal to take the jacket off. Really, you mostly need to wear a jacket for the rain.

So that's my observation for the day. Today was a day of downs and ups. It started with a near panic-attack. I've been having issues figuring out this one class, PS202: Perception & Memory. To make a long story short, upon entering the class everyone assumed that everyone had already been told what was going on, except I hadn't. There was a handbook passed out to all the non-international students, but I never got one. Because of that, I discovered today that I missed a lab session for the class. It was so annoying! I feel like I'm having to figure out what's going on in that class by second-hand information--I only found out that there was a lab at all by talking to another student in the class. The teacher never mentioned anything. I'm not even sure who the teacher is for that class--we get a new speaker every few sessions. The actual classwork is fine (in fact, some of it is review for me) but now I'm having to frantically email teachers to figure out how to make up this lab session I missed. grr!

That was my down point. My up point was when I got a free lunch at a nice restaurant, courtesy of the Arcadia program. They mostly wanted to check up on us, see how we were doing. It was nice. And I finally went to the store and got some more long-sleeved clothes, including one that I thought was quite fashionable!

It's the weekend now, and it's one of my rare relaxing weekends. I have plans to head into Dublin one day, but other than that I'm mostly chilling. Cheers.

Irish Word of the Day: Weather -- aimsir
The weather was crazy today! -- Bhí an aimsir dÚsachtach inniu!


  1. Haha sounds frustrating, what with the lab session and all. Something similar to that happened to Other J today, actually, it was really quite awful. You know how she failed the EOC and had to retake it? Well, she failed it the second time, too, and our mother forgot to remind her to sign up to take it again. So she texted Other J frantically asking her if she'd remembered to sign up-as it turns out, Other J hadn't even known she'd failed, so that was how she found out. After being told this, she went to math, where she found out she'd failed her test, meaning that she is now academically ineligible for guard. I felt bad for her, I mean, what an awful day, yeah? She overslept, too.

  2. Omg how awful. I mean, that's just terrible. I thought that my day was bad with the near-panic attack I had about missing lab. Tell Jess to get on Skype or something so I can talk to her!
